Darvesh Gorhe

Darvesh Gorhe

MS Data Science @ Columbia University (2022)

I'm a recent graduate student from Columbia University's the Master's of Science in Data Science (MSDS) program. I'm currently looking for a full-time job so if you are looking for a bioinformatics scientist, computational biologist, or data scientist, feel free to contact me through any of the links on this page. I did a computational biology internship at Roche Diagnostics and I'm currently working as a Research Assistant at the Jovanovic Lab at Columbia University. I try to share all my code/learnings on GitHub. However, I'm not able to share code related to ongoing papers/projects in the Jovanovic Lab or code related to projects I worked on at Roche Diagnostics.

SECAT Performance Improvements

Improved Size-exclusion chromatography toolkit (SECAT) by ~40% through optimizations and multiprocessing support for non-parametric Loess normalization.

Kitchen Pantry

(In progress) application to help users keep track of food and recipes.

Personal Blog

A space where I apply my data science frameworks and skills to contemporary questions.

Research Assistant | Jan 2022 — Current

Jovanovic Lab @ Columbia University

Computational Biology Intern | May 2022 — Aug 2022

Roche Molecular Diagnostics, Research and Early Development

Capstone Project Member | Sep 2022 — Dec 2022

Columbia University (Data Science Institute)

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